It is getting cool recently, especially in the morning and night. I can't stay wearing onlx a T-shirt though I'm in the house.
Oh no! I've forgot to get off the Express train because I'm very much into write THIS blog with my mobile phone. So the next stop is over four stops!! Only local train stops at my station....
Now I've changed the train, and I have to be careful.
Finally I've back to my station...
When I came back to my house and I told my mother about this story, She laughed. But I would be more ahamed if I had forgot to get off the train because of sleeping...
That is what we would call a "blonde moment." I guess you don't get those too often!
I hope you had a nice trip anyway! We head off on our real holiday tomorrow so I will write to you when we get home again.
Take care!
Anonymous, At
23 October, 2005
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